| PathfindThenFollowPathRamsete (PathPlannerPath goalPath, PathConstraints pathfindingConstraints, Supplier< Pose2d > poseSupplier, Supplier< ChassisSpeeds > currentRobotRelativeSpeeds, Consumer< ChassisSpeeds > robotRelativeOutput, double b, double zeta, ReplanningConfig replanningConfig, BooleanSupplier shouldFlipPath, Subsystem... requirements) |
| PathfindThenFollowPathRamsete (PathPlannerPath goalPath, PathConstraints pathfindingConstraints, Supplier< Pose2d > poseSupplier, Supplier< ChassisSpeeds > currentRobotRelativeSpeeds, Consumer< ChassisSpeeds > robotRelativeOutput, ReplanningConfig replanningConfig, BooleanSupplier shouldFlipPath, Subsystem... requirements) |
Public Member Functions inherited from edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.SequentialCommandGroup |
| SequentialCommandGroup (Command... commands) |
final void | addCommands (Command... commands) |
final void | initialize () |
final void | execute () |
final void | end (boolean interrupted) |
final boolean | isFinished () |
boolean | runsWhenDisabled () |
InterruptionBehavior | getInterruptionBehavior () |
void | initSendable (SendableBuilder builder) |
Public Member Functions inherited from edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.Command |
Set< Subsystem > | getRequirements () |
final void | addRequirements (Subsystem... requirements) |
String | getName () |
void | setName (String name) |
String | getSubsystem () |
void | setSubsystem (String subsystem) |
ParallelRaceGroup | withTimeout (double seconds) |
ParallelRaceGroup | until (BooleanSupplier condition) |
ParallelRaceGroup | onlyWhile (BooleanSupplier condition) |
SequentialCommandGroup | beforeStarting (Runnable toRun, Subsystem... requirements) |
SequentialCommandGroup | beforeStarting (Command before) |
SequentialCommandGroup | andThen (Runnable toRun, Subsystem... requirements) |
SequentialCommandGroup | andThen (Command... next) |
ParallelDeadlineGroup | deadlineWith (Command... parallel) |
ParallelCommandGroup | alongWith (Command... parallel) |
ParallelRaceGroup | raceWith (Command... parallel) |
RepeatCommand | repeatedly () |
ProxyCommand | asProxy () |
ConditionalCommand | unless (BooleanSupplier condition) |
ConditionalCommand | onlyIf (BooleanSupplier condition) |
WrapperCommand | ignoringDisable (boolean doesRunWhenDisabled) |
WrapperCommand | withInterruptBehavior (InterruptionBehavior interruptBehavior) |
WrapperCommand | finallyDo (BooleanConsumer end) |
WrapperCommand | finallyDo (Runnable end) |
WrapperCommand | handleInterrupt (Runnable handler) |
void | schedule () |
void | cancel () |
boolean | isScheduled () |
boolean | hasRequirement (Subsystem requirement) |
WrapperCommand | withName (String name) |
A command group that first pathfinds to a goal path and then follows the goal path.